Presentation and Discussion of the Results of the Landmark 2019 Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians
How are Canadians today viewing the federation? Are old fault-lines still relevant, and are new fault-lines emerging? Which values are widely shared, and which are more contested? How confident are Canadians in our ability to work through our differences? Join us to learn about and discuss the dramatic findings of a comprehensive new survey of public opinion about the Canadian federation.
Monday, April 29, 2019
12–2pm (A light lunch will be served)
The Harbour Room
The Westin Nova Scotian Hotel
1181 Hollis St, Halifax, NS B3H 2P6
Dr. Donald Abelson, Brian Mulroney Institute of Government
Dr. Douglas Brown, Brian Mulroney Institute of Government
Dr. Peter Kikkert, St. Francis Xavier University
Dr. Félix Mathieu, CAP-CF, UQAM
Dr. Jane McMillan, St. Francis Xavier University
Dr. Keith Neuman, Environics Institute
Dr. Andrew Parkin, The Mowat Centre
Dr. Greg Tkacz, St. Francis Xavier University
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