Canada’s leading
institute dedicated
to excellence in
public administration
News & Announcements
Past events

Awards & recognition
Each year we recognize extraordinary individuals who have made outstanding contributions through the Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Excellence in Public Administration sponsored by Davis Pier.

Browse events calendar
IPAC members get special access to exclusive events with public sector leaders throughout the year.

Canadian Journal of Public Administration
Published quarterly, Canadian Public Administration is our scholarly journal covering all three levels of Canadian government.
When you become an IPAC member, you become part of a professional community of public servants across Canada who are committed to making a positive difference in their communities and country.
Anyone interested in public administration or public policy can become a member of IPAC. When you sign up for a membership, you’ll get access to the members-only section of ipac.ca, and will be able to access exclusive content. You’ll start to receive information and updates about IPAC regional events and webinars happening in Nova Scotia and across the country. You’ll get early access to public sector jobs, preferred pricing for events and conferences, unlimited access to our journal, Canadian Public Administration, and discounts and other perks.
Have a question? Want to get involved with the Institute of Public Administration of Canada Nova Scotia Regional Group? Have a suggestion for an event? Get in touch with us by filling out this form.
Connect with us
Email: novascotia@ipac.ca
LinkedIn: IPAC Nova Scotia
Building knowledge and networks in the Nova Scotia public administration community since 1947.