IPAC Nova Scotia will hold its 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM) on July 21, 2021 on Zoom at 4:00 PM Atlantic Time. The AGM is an annual meeting of the members of IPAC in Nova Scotia to review the past year and to elect board members for the coming year.
Members in attendance of the AGM will elect new board directors at the meeting. Those members interested in standing for election submitted their names and a brief bio to novascotia@ipac.ca by July 14, 2021 at 5:00pm. The list of available positions include: Chair, Communications Chair, Marketing Chair, Programs Co-Chair, and Municipal Member-at-large. Additional information about IPAC Nova Scotia can be found on our web site at ipacnovascotia.ca.
Dial-in coordinates
A dial-in link will be provided to all members in good standing via email. If you are a member in good standing and have not received dial-in coordinates, please email novascotia@ipac.ca.
Guest speaker
Special Guest Speaker
Laura Lee Langley
Laura Lee Langley |
Greg MacQuarrie |
We're pleased to announce our special AGM guest speaker will be Laura Lee Langley, Clerk of the Executive Council of Nova Scotia. She'll share her reflections on mobilizing the Nova Scotia public service in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, in discussion with Deloitte's Greg MacQuarrie.
Laura Lee Langley is Deputy Minister of the Office of the Nova Scotia Premier, Deputy Minister of Treasury Board, Clerk of the Executive Council, Head of Public Service, Chief Executive Officer of Communications, and Deputy Minister of the Office of Citizen-Centered Approaches.
After more than a decade as a journalist, she began her public service career in the 1990s in strategic communications and public affairs. She has a Master of Public Administration from Dalhousie University and a Master of Arts in Leadership from Royal Roads University.
Ms. Langley has served on numerous boards and been recognized by the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission as a Champion of the Workplace and as one of Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women (2018). She is a passionate leader of initiatives that encourage innovation, inclusion, and pride in the public service.