IPAC Nova Scotia AGM & Call for Nominations

On behalf of the Nominating Committee, it is our pleasure to invite nominations for candidates to serve on the IPAC Nova Scotia board. Board membership is open to federal, provincial, and municipal employees as well as our partners in the academic, health, non-profit and private sectors. Those interested in serving on the board are invited to submit their names and a brief profile to novascotia@ipac.ca by August 20, 2020 at 5:00pm.

The list of available positions include: Vice-chair, Secretary, Membership Chair, and Member-at-large. Additional information about IPAC Nova Scotia can be found on our web site at ipacnovascotia.ca

The selection process will take into consideration the skills needed to make the organization successful while providing adequate representation from our partners.

Please note that our Annual General Meeting will take place on Wednesday, August 26, 2020 from 4:30pm to 5:00pm AT (via teleconference -- to avoid disappointing Dr. Strang). Dial-in coordinates to follow. 

If you are interested in becoming more involved in the IPAC NS Regional Group or the Board, but have questions, please reach out to novascotia@ipac.ca.


Norma McIsaac 
Angela Johnson
Matt Campbell

IPAC Nova Scotia
Nominating Committee

IPAC Nova Scotia