Call for Expressions of Interest | IPAC Nova Scotia Board

On behalf of the Nominating Committee, it is our pleasure to invite nominations for candidates to serve on the IPAC Nova Scotia board. Those members interested in serving on the board are invited to submit their names and a brief biography to before February 21, 2019.

The list of available positions include: Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary/Treasurer, Program Chair, Membership Chair, and Communications Chair. Additional information about IPAC Nova Scotia can be found below.

The selection process will take into consideration the skills needed to make the organization successful while providing adequate representation from our partners in the public sector.

Volunteer opportunities are also available for the following committees: Program Committee, Membership Committee, Awards Committee and Nominating Committee. If you are interested in becoming more involved in the IPAC NS chapter or the Board, but have questions, please reach out to


Jim Stewart, Norma MacIsaac and Bill Greenlaw
Nominating Committee
IPAC Nova Scotia

IPAC Nova Scotia