More-er, faster-er: Changes to the Nova Scotia Executive Council & Machinery of Government (Dec 12, 2024)


On Thursday, December 12, 2024, Tim Houston was sworn in as Nova Scotia’s premier, along with the government’s new cabinet. Lt.-Gov. Arthur J. LeBlanc presided over the ceremony at the Halifax Convention Centre.

Below we've highlighted changes to government departments (including some new and renamed departments), along with new cabinet ministers, returning Ministers with new responsibilities, and departures.

Compiled by Matt Campbell

The newly sworn-in Executive Council of Nova Scotia. Photo: Communications Nova Scotia.


Machinery changes


Previous name  

New name 



Department of Community Services

Department of Opportunities and Social Development


Natural Resources and Renewables

Department of Natural Resources

NRR will be separated into two Departments


Natural Resources and Renewables

Department of Energy

As above


Department of Economic Development

Department of Growth and Development

Housing will be added to this Department, from Municipal Affairs


Office of Regulatory Affairs and Service Efficiency

Office of Service Efficiency


Entering Cabinet


Previous role  

New role 


Fred Tilley

First elected as Liberal MLA for Northside-Westmount in 2021. On October 22, 2024, he joined the Progressive Conservative Caucus. He was re-elected in 2024.

Department of Public Works

New appointment

David Ritcey

First elected in a by-election in 2020 and was re-elected in 2021 and 2024.

Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage; 

Gaelic Affairs

New appointment

Nolan Young

First elected in 2021 and was re-elected in 2024. He has been a Deputy Speaker.

Labour, Skills and Immigration

New appointment

Scott Armstrong

First elected in 2024. Mr. Armstrong is a former school principal and served as the Member of Parliament for Cumberland-Colchester-Musquodoboit Valley from 2009 to 2015.   

Opportunities and Social Development

New appointment. Department renamed from Community Services. 

Leah Martin

First elected in 2024. Ms. Martin has worked as a project coordinator in housing and homelessness for United Way.  In 2023, she joined the Premier’s Office as Executive Assistant and earlier this year, joined Environment and Climate Change Minister Tim Halman as Special Advisor.  

Ms. Martin is the first Indigenous MLA elected in Nova Scotia history.

Communications Nova Scotia

L’nu Affairs

Minister responsible for the Advisory Council on the Status of Women Act

Minister responsible for Youth

New appointment.


Returning to Cabinet with new responsibilities


Previous role  

New role 


Barbara Adams

Seniors and Long-Term Care

Minister responsible for Military Relations
Justice and Attorney General

Deputy Premier

Deputy President of the Executive Council

Seniors and Long-Term Care

Minister responsible for Military Relations

Promoted to Deputy Premier and additional responsibilities added (Deputy President of the Executive Council)

John Lohr 

Municipal Affairs
Emergency Management Office

Finance and Treasury Board

Labour Relations

Minister of Municipal Affairs

New responsibilities

Becky Druhan 

Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development

Attorney General and Justice. Provincial Secretary and the

Minister responsible for the Office of Equity and Anti-Racism

New responsibilities

Trevor Boudreau


Department of Energy

Returning to Cabinet, new Department

Timothy Halman 

Environment and Climate Change
Chair of Treasury and Policy Board
Finance and Treasury Board (since Oct 25)
Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage (since Oct 25)
Gaelic Affairs (since Oct 25)

Environment and Climate Change
Chair of Treasury and Policy Board
Service Efficiency

Additional responsibilities (Service Efficiency, formerly named Regulatory Affairs and Service Efficiency)

Brendan Maguire

Community Services

Advanced Education 
Education and Early Childhood Development.
House Leader

New responsibilities


Tory Rushton


Natural Resources & Renewables

Natural Resources

Previously Department included Energy portfolio, which has been separated into a new Department.

Jill Balser 

Labour, Skills, and Immigration
Advisory Council on the Status of Women

Service Nova Scotia
Cyber Security and Digital Solutions

New responsibilities

Colton LeBlanc


Service Nova Scotia and Internal Services

Growth and Development, formerly known as Economic Development

Acadian Affairs and Francophonie

Economic Development becomes Growth & Development. Housing is now part of this Department.

Kim Masland


Public Works

Department of Emergency Management

New responsibilities


Continued roles


Previous role  

New role 


Tim Houston

President of the Executive Council
Intergovernmental Affairs
Priorities and Planning
Regulatory Affairs and Service Effectiveness*

President of the Executive Council
Intergovernmental Affairs
Priorities and Planning

No change

Michelle Thompson

Health and Wellness, the Office of Healthcare Professionals Recruitment and the Minister responsible for Healthcare Redevelopment.


Health and Wellness
Office of Healthcare Professionals Recruitment 
Minister responsible for Healthcare Redevelopment


No change

Brian Comer

Addictions and Mental Health
Minister responsible for Youth
Communications Nova Scotia

Addictions and Mental Health

No change

Greg Morrow



No change

Kent Smith

Fisheries and Aquaculture

Fisheries and Aquaculture

No change

Twila Grosse

Public Service Commission
African Nova Scotian Affairs

Public Service Commission
African Nova Scotian Affairs

No change


Departing Cabinet


Previous role  

New role 


Allan MacMaster

Finance and Treasury Board

Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage

Seeking federal office


Susan Corkum-Greek

Economic Development



Brian Wong

Advanced Education



Premier Tim Houston, President of the Executive Council, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Minister of Priorities and Planning, and Minister of Trade (Communications Nova Scotia).

Barbara Adams swears the oath of office at the cabinet swearing-in ceremony today, December 12. She was named Deputy Premier and Deputy President of the Executive Council, Minister of Seniors and Long-Term Care and Minister responsible for Military Relations. (Communications Nova Scotia).

Premier Tim Houston and cabinet members at the swearing in ceremony at the Halifax Convention Centre. (Communications Nova Scotia).

Elder Lorraine Whitman offers a smudging to the new cabinet members at the swearing-in ceremony held at the Halifax Convention Centre. (Communications Nova Scotia)

IPAC Nova Scotia